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        I'm interested in things that cells do: how they move proteins around, how they divide and how they move. I did my undergrad at University of Sheffield and my PhD in the Department of Pharmacology at University of Cambridge. Next I did a post-doc with Leon Lagnado at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology and started my own group in 2006/7 at Liverpool, moving the lab to Warwick in 2013.
        Besides being PI, my role in the lab is doing programming and data analysis in collaboration with everyone in the group.

        ORCiD: <a href=''>0000-0001-8927-6967</a>
        GitHub: <a href=''>quantixed</a>
        Mastodon: <a href=''>@clathrin</a>
        quantixed: <a href=''>Link</a>
        Steve Royle
Principal Investigator

				I am a post doc working on membrane trafficking. Specifically, I am interested to find out how intrananovesicles (INVs) are formed and which cellular components are involved in this pathway.
        I was a PhD student at University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), where I worked with Bunyavirus trying to find out which cellular organelles were involved in virus assembly. As a collaboration, I was a visiting PhD student at the Pathology Department at University of Cambridge in Dr. Stephen Graham lab to investigate virus glycoprotein assembly and secretion. After, I did a post doc at the Pathology Department at University of Cambridge in Dr. Colin Crump lab, working with BK polyomavirus to explore virus intracellular trafficking.
        ORCiD: <a href=''>0000-0002-2926-5294</a> Natalia Barbosa

				I am a post-doc looking at membrane trafficking, focusing on imaging intracellular membrane traffic and examining the turnover of plasma membrane proteins in response to physiological stimuli.
        I completed my integrated masters degree at the University of Bristol, then did a PhD at University of York looking at the effect of glycosylation on the trafficking of GLUT4 (a key glucose transporter essential to maintaining healthy blood glucose levels).
        Lizzie Courthold

				I am a postdoc interested in mitosis and I am looking at chromosome missegregation during cell division. Previously, I was a PhD student on the BBSRC-funded Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership (MIBTP) programme and did my PhD in the Royle lab.
        Before this, I have received BSc Molecular & Cellular Biology (with Biotechnology) from the University of Glasgow, completing an investigation into cellular response to surface topography in my final year. I then continued study at the University of Glasgow, completing a Master of Research degree, during which I investigated the possible interaction of a cell cycle regulator with a structural protein in fission yeast cytokinesis, and also the potential of specific stickleback populations as evolutionary mutant models of diabetes.

        ORCiD: <a href=''>0000-0001-9039-942X</a> Laura Downie

				I am working on vesicle trafficking mechanisms in human cells.
        I also love to draw schematics and cartoons because I really believe that an image is worth a thousand words, and that science-related art helps making a complicated subject a lot more accessible. I did my PhD in Steve's lab, got a Masters degree in experimental medicine from Université Laval and a Bachelor's degree in biology at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, in Canada.

        ORCiD: <a href=''>0000-0001-8295-9378</a>
        LinkedIn: <a href=''>Link</a>

        If you're from the National Geographic or BBC Earth and you happen to be lost on this page, please have a look at my <a href=''>photography</a>. Gabrielle Larocque

        I am a PhD student working on membrane trafficking in the lab. Specifically, I am investigating the formation of Intracellular Nanovesicles (INVs) and their involvement in autophagy related trafficking, in collaboration with the lab of Dr Darius Koester, which is also based at the CMCB. My PhD research is funded through the MRC-DTP (Medical Research Council Doctoral Training Programme in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research).
        I completed my undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Oxford. There, I worked in the lab of the late Dr Ian Moore, who inspired my interest in the dynamic and self-organising properties of the eukaryotic endomembrane system, which continues to motivate my research efforts.
        I then pursued an MPhil degree at the lab of Dr Richard Hayward, based in Department of Pathology at the University of Cambridge, where I studied how the intracellular pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis hijacks the host’s membrane trafficking and the cytoskeletal organisation.

        ORCiD: <a href=''>0000-0002-0407-6374</a>
        Mastodon: <a href=''>@MAFesenko</a>
        Twitter: <a href=''>@MAFesenko</a> Mary Fesenko
PhD Student

        I am a MIBTP PhD student working on intracellular membrane traffic. Currently, I am researching the structure and function of TPD52-like proteins

        Previously, I did an MBio degree at Warwick with a final year project in teh Royle lab characterising intracellular compartments using proteomics and electron microscopy.

        LinkedIn: <a href=''>Link</a> Melissa Hampson
PhD Student

        I am a EUTOPIA co-tutelle doctoral student who’s working on the modulation of integrins a5b1 on the surface of ovarian cancer cells to study its effects on the cancer microenvironment.
        My project is between Ambroise Lambert and Olivier Gallet at Paris Cergy U and the Royle lab in Warwick.
        Sahil Kamboj
PhD Student

        JEAN POYLO
        I am a MSc by Research student currently working on isolating intracellular nanovesicles (INVs) from HeLa cells to image and characterise them.
        Jean Poylo
Masters Student

        I am a Research Fellow in Computing and Image Analysis working in CAMDU, the Computing and Advanced Microscopy Unit.
        My role is to support image analysis in Biomedical Sciences at Warwick Medical School and maintain research computing infrastructure such as our OMERO database and our ELNs.

        <a href=''>CAMDU</a> Laura Cooper
Honorary Member
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