Motors in Quarantine is a weekly webinar series on Wednesdays at 15:00 UTC in summer / 16:00 UTC in winter.

Format: 2 talks 15 minutes presentation plus 15 minutes Q&A. There will be a meet the speaker afterwards for a more informal chat / asking questions in a smaller group. If the speakers agree to being recorded, we will make the webinar available on-demand for 48 hours after the live event.

Speakers are selected from the sign-up form with the aim to balance gender, geography, career stages and topics.

The registration link for each webinar is sent by email at the beginning of each week to everyone on the sign-up form and posted in the slack (see community tab).


  1. upcoming talks
  2. previous talks
  3. sign-up form
  4. sponsors
  5. organisers
  6. statistics
  7. community

01 May 2024
Ferdos Abid Ali (Carter lab) - LMB Cambridge | KIF1C activates and extends dynein movement through the FHF cargo adaptor

Wout Oosterheert (Bieling lab) - MPI Dortmund | Molecular mechanism of actin filament elongation by formins







06 May 2020
Adam Hendricks - McGill | MAPs regulate kinesin and dynein to control organelle motility
Chris Toseland - Sheffield | Nuclear myosin VI regulates the spatial organization of mammalian transcription initiation


13 May 2020
Alex Thompson (Stumpff lab) - Vermont | Motor and Coiled-Coil Domain Mutations of the Chromokinesin KIF22 Disrupt Mitotic Chromosome Segregation and Cause Skeletal Dysplasia
Mira Krendel - SUNY | Myosin-dependent regulation of actin and membrane dynamics during phagocytosis


20 May 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Morgan DeSantis - Michigan | LIS1 promotes the formation of activated cytoplasmic dynein-1 complexes

Rob Cross - CMCB | Interlocking nanomechanics of kinesin and tubulin → Watch this on YouTube


27 May 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Naila Alieva (Manser lab) - A*STAR | The role of myosin II in filopodia dynamics

Amadeus Xu (Way lab) - Crick | Reconstituting microtubule-based motility of Vaccinia virus in vitro


2 June 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Steven Rosenfeld - Mayo Clinic | Molecular Motors as Therapeutic Targets in Brain Tumors

Sabrya Carim (Hickson lab) - Montreal | Rho-dependent control of anillin-septin network facilitates contractile ring closure


10 June 2020
Kassandra Ori-McKenney - UC Davis | Microtubule Cartography: The Role of Microtubule-Associated Proteins in Directing Motor Transport.

Alf Mansson - Linnaeus | Towards solving intractable mathematical problems using actin and myosin


17 June 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Ashley Arthur (Titus lab) - Minnesota | MyTH4-FERM myosin and VASP cooperation during filopodia initiation

Roop Mallik - TIFR Mumbai | Specific Linkages within the Dynein-Dynactin Machinery Needed to Activate and Sustain Dynein’s Force generation


24 June 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Jing Xu - UC Merced | Cholesterol in cargo membrane modulates effect of MAP tau on kinesin

Gant Luxton - Minnesota | One AAA+ ring to rule them all? Investigating the mechanism(s) of torsinA-dependent nuclear-cytoplasmic communication


1 July 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Radhika Subramanian - Harvard | Imaging Microtubule Depolymerases in Action within bundles at Protofilament Resolution by Atomic Force Microscopy

Girish Mali (Carter lab) - MRC-LMB | Mechanistic insights into dynein motors of cilia


8 July 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Jia Wang (Hammer lab) - NIH | Integrin-dependent actomyosin arcs drive B cell immune synapse formation

Sebastian Baumann (Maurer lab) - CRG | In vitro reconstitution of mammalian RNA transport


15 July 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Rong Liu (Sellers lab) - NIH | Molecular mechanism of myosin-7a translocation and actin-bundle assembly

Richard McKenney - UC Davis | Reconstitution of Kinesin-1 Activation


22 July 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Mohamed Antar Aziz Mohamed (Ökten lab) - TU München | Reconstitution of the first functional kinesin-IFT complex

Bernardo Chapa y Lazo (Mishima lab) - CMCB | Polar relaxation by dynein-mediated removal of cortical myosin II


9 September 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Jessica Cross (Dodding lab) - Bristol | A designed high-affinity peptide that hijacks microtubule-based transport

Will Hancock - Penn State | Understanding the diversity of dynein motility in vitro


16 September 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Folma Buss - Cambridge | The MYO6 interactome – regulating endosome dynamics and cytoskeletal architecture

Kristen Verhey - Michigan | A rogue kinesin leads to microtubule destruction


23 September 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Michelle Peckham - Leeds | The structure of the shutdown state of smooth muscle myosin

Florian Berger - Utrecht | Force generation of molecular motors in optical traps


30 September 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Ron Vale - Janelia

The first of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists to hear about the career of pioneers in the motor field.


7 October 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Pavan Vedula (Kashina lab) - UPenn | Functional differences between beta- and gamma-actin

Kari Ecklund (Markus lab) - Colorado | The MAP She1 coordinates dynein-mediated spindle positioning by spatially restricting dynein activity in yeast


14 October 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Isabel Palacios - QMUL / Cambridge | A holistic approach towards understanding the relationship between cytoskeletons and all active motions displayed by cytoplasmic components

Ondrej Kucera (Blanchoin lab) - CEA Grenoble | Myosin-independent actin contractility


21 October 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Sozanne Solmaz - Binghamton | Coiled-coil registry shifts in the F684I mutant of Bicaudal D result in cargo-independent activation of dynein motility

José Alvarado - Austin | Uncovering the dynamic precursors to motor-driven contraction of active gels


28 October 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Anna Akhmanova - Utrecht

The second of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists to hear about the career of pioneers in the motor field. Note, this talk will commence at a different time than usually! 10:00 PDT / 13:00 EDT / 17:00 UTC / 18:00 CET / 22:30 IST / 1:00 CST


4 November 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Marija Zanic - Vanderbilt | Collective effects of XMAP215, EB1, CLASP2, and MCAK lead to robust microtubule treadmilling

George Shubeita - Abu Dhabi | Navigating the crowded cell: how macromolecular crowding regulates collective kinesin-1 function


11 November 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Katya Grishchuk - UPenn | Harnessing dynamic microtubule ends: lessons from reconstruction studies in vitro

Wen Lu (Gelfand Lab) - Northwestern | Competition and gatekeeping: how an oocyte gets polarized by kinesin, myosin and dynein


18 November 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Julie Welburn - Edinburgh | Activation of human CENP-E kinesin motor and recruitment to kinetochores for correct chromosome segregation

Kabir Biswas - Hamad Bin Khalifa University | Acto-myosin regulation of cadherin adhesion assembly


25 November 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Krishnaswamy VijayRaghavan - NCBS Bangalore

The third of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists to hear about the career of pioneers in the motor field.


2 December 2020 - Joe's talk was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Nikki Reinemann - Ole Miss | Investigating Molecular Motors Within Reconstituted Cytoskeletal Hierarchy Using Optical Tweezers

Joe Atherton - KCL London | The mechanism of selective kinesin inhibition by kinesin binding protein


9 December 2020
BREAK for ASCB/EMBO Cell Bio Virtual 2020


16 December 2020 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Colbie Chinowsky (Tyska lab) - Vanderbilt | Myosin-2 limits length of epithelial microvilli

Michael Vershinin - Utah | Temperature dependence of kinesin motility


6 January 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Charlotte Aumeier - Geneva | Motor usage imprints microtubule stability in the shaft

Darius Köster - CMCB | Myosin II Filament Dynamics in Actin Networks Revealed with Interferometric Scattering Microscopy


13 January 2021
Helene Bouvrais (Pecreaux Lab) - Rennes | The coordination of spindle-positioning forces during the asymmetric division of the C. elegans zygote.

Arne Gennerich - Einstein | Single-molecule dissection of the force generation of the kinesin-3 motor KIF1A


20 January 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Linda Wordeman - Washington

The fourth of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists to hear about the career of pioneers in the motor field.


27 January 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Erika Holzbaur & Sydney Cason - UPenn | Regulation of autophagosome transport in neurons

Saurabh Shukla (Selvin lab) - Urbana-Champaign | An ssDNA-based force sensor for multi motor transport as an alternative to optical tweezers


3 February 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Vladimir Volkov (Dogterom lab) - Delft | Disordered gears for the tubulin motor: how dynamic microtubule ends exert forces to move cellular cargos

Senthil Arumugam - Monash | Molecular mechanisms to overcome stochasticity in endosomal networks


10 February 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Rebecca Goldblum (Gardner lab) - Minnesota | Oxidative stress pathogenically remodels the cardiac myocyte cytoskeleton via structural alterations to the microtubule lattice

Andreas Müller (Solimena lab) - Dresden | 3D FIB-SEM reconstruction of microtubule–organelle interaction in whole primary mouse β cells​


3 March 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Anita Jannasch (Schäffer lab) - Tübingen | Single depolymerizing and transport kinesins stabilize microtubule ends

Anna Akhmanova - Utrecht | Microtubule lattice defects promote catastrophes​


10 March 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Gijsje Koenderink - TU Delft | Cytoskeletal crosstalk in cell mechanical behavior

Serapion Pyrpassopoulos (Ostap lab) - U Penn | Modulation of Kinesin's Load-Bearing Capacity by Force Geometry and The Microtubule Track​


17 March 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Katie Drerup - UW Madison | Mitochondrial population dynamics in neurons require retrograde transport

Scott Forth - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | The mitotic crosslinking protein PRC1 acts like a mechanical dashpot to resist microtubule sliding​


24 March 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Chao Liu (Spudich lab) - Stanford | Single molecule analysis of human cardiac myosin and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy mutations

Ulrich Schwarz - Heidelberg | Modelling non-muscle myosin II minifilaments


31 March 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Stefan Diez - TU Dresden

The fifth of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists to hear about the career of pioneers in the motor field.


21 April 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Santiago Balseiro Gomez (Yogev lab) - Yale | Local microtubule regulators control synaptic patterning

Mohan Balasubramanian - Warwick | Reconstituting Cytokinesis​


28 April 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Jim Spudich - Stanford

The sixth of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists to hear about the career of pioneers in the motor field.


5 May 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Alex Cook (Moores lab) - Birkbeck | Molecular mechanism of a parasite kinesin motor and implications for its inhibition

Clinton Lau (Carter lab) - LMB Cambridge | Cryo-EM reveals the complex architecture of dynactin's shoulder region and pointed end​


12 May 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Alex Zwetsloot (Straube lab) - Warwick | Bidirectional transport by KIF1C and dynein​

Lukas Kapitein - Utrecht | Quantitative mapping of dense microtubule arrays in mammalian neurons


19 May 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Lara Krüger (Tran lab) - Institute Curie Paris | Kinesin-6 Klp9 orchestrates spindle elongation by regulating microtubule sliding and growth

Alfredo Sciortino (Bausch lab) - TU Munich | Polar patterns of gliding actin filaments on flat and curved lipid membranes


26 May 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Marija Zanic and Minhaj Sirajuddin

The seventh of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists will focus on the "Route to Independence". Marija and Minhaj will share their experience of changing countries for PhD, postdoc and starting their independent labs.


2 June 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Marion Jasnin - MPIB Martinsried | Visualization of sarcomere contraction with in situ cryo-electron tomography

Alexander Phillips (Keays lab) - IMP Vienna | How tubulin mutations affect MAP binding and brain development​


9 June 2021 - Jen's talk was available on-demand for 48 hours after the webinar.
Jennifer van der Horst (Jepps lab) - Copenhagen | Dynein regulates the trafficking of voltage-dependent Kv7.4 channels in vascular smooth muscle

Abrar Bhat (Mayor lab) - NCBS Bangalore | Myosin driven actin remodelling as an active sorting mechanism for membrane proteins​


16 June 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Brittany Mactaggart (Kashina lab) - U Penn | The effect of arginylation on cellular microtubules

David Salvador-Garcia (Bullock lab) - MRC-LMB Cambridge | Functional diversity of dynein's interaction with microtubules in mitosis and cargo transport​


23 June 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.
Farah Haque (Subramanian lab) - Harvard | Gli(ee)ful Mimicry - DNA mimicry by a kinesin regulates the Gli transcription factor for Hedgehog signaling

Aniruddha Mitra (Peterman lab) - Amsterdam | Ciliary proteins utilize contrasting mechanisms to assemble into trains and enter the cilia


30 June 2021 - This webinar was available on-demand for 48 hours afterwards.

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Anna Kashina and Jennifer L. Rohn

The eighth of our special sessions highlighting pioneers in the motor field and discussing career paths of motor scientists will focus on writing for a non-scientific audience. Get some tips on compelling writing and hear about the world of publishing fiction from these two acclaimed novelists.


15 September 2021
Tal Keren-Kaplan (Bonifacino lab) - NIH | RUFY3 and RUFY4 are ARL8 effectors that promote coupling of endolysosomes to dynein-dynactin

Vladimir Gelfand - Northwestern | Go with the flow: how dynein drives transport through ring canals in Drosophila ovaries​


22 September 2021
Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan - EMBL Australia | Single-molecule imaging of cytoplasmic dynein in vivo reveals the mechanism of motor activation and cargo capture

Adam Fenton (Holzbaur lab) - UPenn | Mitochondrial adaptor TRAK2 activates and functionally links opposing kinesin and dynein motors


29 September 2021

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Erika Holzbaur - UPenn

The 9th of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists to hear about the career of pioneers in the motor field.


6 October 2021
Joyce Meiring (Akhmanova lab) - Utrecht | An Optogenetic Tool for Localized Microtubule Disassembly

Xiangyu Fan (McKenney lab) - UC David | Tail-dependent Regulation of KIF13B Motility Along Microtubules​


13 October 2021
Nandini Mani (Subramanian lab) - Harvard | Differential Regulation of Single Microtubules and Cross-Linked Bundles by a Minimal Three-Protein Module

Suman Nag - Bristol Myers Squibb | Modulating the cardiac sarcomere using small-molecule therapeutics


20 October 2021
Natalia Bulgakova - Sheffield | Microtubule organisation in epithelial cells

Yusuf Ali (Trybus lab) - Vermont | Single-molecule approaches to probe the regulation of dynein-driven cargo transport by adapter protein/cargo complex.


27 October 2021

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Jonathon Howard - Yale

The 10th of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists to hear about the career of pioneers in the motor field.


3 November 2021
Sandra Encalada - Scripps | Axonal Mutant Prion Protein Endoggresomes are Hubs for Organelle-Cytoskeletal Remodeling

Martin Engelke - Illinois State | Elucidating the function of kinesin-2 domains in ciliogenesis and cilium maintenance​


10 November 2021
Xin Xiang - USUHS | Investigating the mechanism of VezA/vezatin in dynein-mediated cargo transport

Daniel Beaudet (Hendricks lab) - McGill | Tau-mediated regulation of multi-motor cargo transport


17 November 2021
Melissa Quintanilla (Beach lab) - Loyola University Chicago | Mechanisms of non-muscle myosin 2 assembly and amplification

Marko Ušaj (Månsson lab) - Linnaeus University | Single molecule turnover of fluorescent ATP by myosin and actomyosin​


24 November 2021
Ana Rita Castro (Dantas lab) - Porto | WDR60-mediated dynein-2 loading into cilia powers retrograde IFT and transition zone crossing

Till Korten (Diez lab) - Dresden | Molecular motors put at work for network-based biocomputation​


1 December 2021
Neha Nandwani (Spudich lab) - Stanford | Allosteric destabilization of the super-relaxed state of cardiac myosin by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy causing mutations

Robert Fagiewicz (Schmidt lab) - Strasbourg | Self-regulation and cargo recruitment of a human cargo adaptor BicD2


15 December 2021
Simone Heber (Ephrussi lab) - Heidelberg | Reconstitution of oskar RNP transport: Tm1 I/C regulates motor activity and links kinesin-1 and dynein mediated transport

Joshua Alper - Clemson | Light chain 2 is a Tctex-type related axonemal dynein light chain that regulates directional ciliary motility in Trypanosoma brucei​


12 January 2022
Julie Miesch (Aumeier lab) - Geneva | Phase separation of +TIPs drives microtubule growth

Vladimir Volkov (Dogterom lab) - Delft | Electron cryo-tomography provides insight into protein oligomerization at growing microtubule ends​


19 January 2022
Huong Vu (Cross lab) - Warwick | Long-range allosteric transitions in microtubule upon kinesin binding -- How plus and minus ends are different

Greg Smith - Northwestern | Herpesviruses assimilate kinesin to produce motorized viral particles​


26 January 2022

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Trina Schroer - Johns Hopkins

The 11th of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists to hear about the career of pioneers in the motor field.


2 February 2022
Beth Lawrence (Zanic lab) - Vanderbilt | SSNA1 stabilizes dynamic microtubules and detects microtubule damage.

Erik Schäffer - Tübingen | Germanium nanospheres for ultraresolution picotensiometry of kinesin motors


9 February 2022
Rui Jiang (Hancock lab) - Penn State | Clustering of Kinesin Motors Improves Vesicle Transport Efficiency

Vicente Planelles-Herrero (Derivery lab) - MRC-LMB | Elongator is a new microtubule associated protein that controls central spindle asymmetry and polarized trafficking of cell fate determinants​


16 February 2022
Yuzu Anazawa & Tomoki Kita (Niwa lab) - Tohoku University | De novo mutations in KIF1A-associated neuronal disorder (KAND) dominant-negatively inhibit motor activity and axonal transport of synaptic vesicle precursors

Anne Straube - Warwick | Force generation of KIF1C and its impairment by pathological mutations​


23 February 2022

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Michael Way - Crick Institute

The 12th of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists to hear about the career of pioneers in the motor field.


2 March 2022
Virupakshi Soppina - IIT Gandhinagar | Kinesin-3 Motors are Fine-Tuned at the Molecular Level to Endow Distinct Mechanical Outputs

Jennifer Zenker - Monash | Microtubule formation in preimplantation mouse embryos.


9 March 2022
Toni McHugh (Welburn lab) - Edinburgh | Regulation of microtubule dynamics by a mitotic Kif18b-MCAK-EB complex

Zeke Thomas (Moore lab) - Colorado | Differential regulation of budding yeast kinesin-5s by tubulin tails


16 March 2022
Masanori Mishima - Warwick | Congenital anaemia due to cytokinesis failure

Girish Mali - Bristol | How to build and regulate ciliary dynein motors​


23 March 2022
Margaret Titus - Minnesota | Myosin-dependent filopodia formation

Metin Gabriel Davutoglu (Diez/Kröger labs) - Dresden | Elucidating the role of myosin motors in diatom gliding motility


30 March 2022

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Marileen Dogterom - TU Delft

The 13th of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists to hear about the career of pioneers in the motor field.


27 April 2022
Katinka Döhner (Sodeik lab) - Hannover | How herpes simplex virus capsids recruit microtubule motors

Fred Erick Fregoso (Dominguez lab) - U Penn | Molecular mechanism of Arp2/3 complex inhibition by Arpin​


4 May 2022
Claire Friel - Nottingham | A synthetic ancestral Kinesin-13 depolymerises microtubules faster than any natural depolymerising kinesin

Stephen Tymanskyj (Ma lab) - Jefferson | Selective axonal transport through branch junctions is directed by growth cone signaling and mediated by KIF1/kinesin-3 motors ​


18 May 2022
Holly Goodson - Notre Dame | Microtubule Stutter: a Transient Dynamic Instability Phase that is Strongly Associated with Catastrophe

Andreas Prokop - Manchester | How nerves survive as long as we live: the role of microtubules in axons​


25 May 2022

MEET-YOUR-HEROES: Kristen Verhey - Michigan

The 14th of our special sessions targeted at early career scientists to hear about the career of pioneers in the motor field.


22 June 2022
Julien Robert Paganin (Houdusse lab) - Institut Curie | Plasmodium myosin and how phosphorylation regulates its duty ratio

Alessio Inchingolo (McAinsh lab) - Warwick | The localisation of HURP reveals a new region in the mitotic spindle​


6 July 2022
Olivera Mitevska (Auckland lab) - King's College London | Lis1-dynein drives corona compaction and error-correction at kinetochores​

Viki Allan - Manchester | The meiotic LINC complex component KASH5 is an activating adaptor for cytoplasmic dynein


14 September 2022
Jenna Christensen (Reck-Petersen lab) - UC San Diego | Uncovering principles of intracellular transport using fungal comparative biology

Elena Kudryashova (Kudryashov lab) - Ohio State | Actin filaments as bidirectional motors​


5 October 2022
Arif Ashraf (Facette lab) - UMass Amherst | Nuclear positioning for asymmetric cell division

Omar A. Quintero-Carmona - Richmond | TRAK association with mitochondrial membrane with and without MIRO​


12 October 2022
Amy Wang (Dunn lab) - Stanford | Mechanism of the cadherin–catenin F-actin catch bond interaction

Mark Dodding - Bristol | Molecular architecture of the autoinhibited kinesin-1 lambda particle​


19 October 2022
Stephen Coscia (Holzbaur lab) - U Penn | Myo19 tethers mitochondria to endoplasmic reticulum-associated actin to promote mitochondrial fission

Ashwin D'Souza (Diez lab) - TU Dresden | Reconstitution of bidirectional transport of vesicles


26 October 2022
Julia Torvi (Barnes & Drubin lab) - UC Berkeley | Kinesin-8 contributes to establishment of end-on attachments

Alice Bittleston (Derivery lab) - MRC LMB Cambridge | Control of polarized trafficking of cell fate determinants by regulating kinesin-3 Klp98A​


9 November 2022
Sydney Cason (Holzbaur lab) - U Penn | JIP3 and JIP4 activate cytoplasmic dynein in a GTPase-dependent fashion

Oliver Vinzenz Glomb (Yogev lab) - Yale | Mechanisms underlying the slow transport of spectrin and its expansion into the axonal lattice​


23 November 2022
Chaitanya Athale - IISER Pune | Emergence of microtubule filament oscillations driven by surface immbolized molecular motors

Pim Huis in 't Veld (Musacchio lab) - MPI Dortmund | Stable kinetochore-microtubule attachment requires loop-dependent Ndc80-Ndc80 binding


25 January 2023
Antoine Jegou - Institut Jacques Monod | A surprising twist in the severing of actin filament bundles by cofilin

Ashim Rai - Ahmedabad University | Multimodal regulation of myosin VI ensemble transport by cargo adaptor protein GIPC


8 February 2023
Zarah Korb (Nash lab) - University of Basel | CatchGel - Engineering catch bond cross-linked polymer networks

Kashish Singh (Carter lab) - MRC LMB Cambridge | The lysosomal adaptor JIP3 activates dynein-dynactin via a short coiled coil


15 February 2023
Konstantinos Lampou (Schnittger lab) - University of Hamburg | The unexpected role of BUB3.3 in Arabidopsis thaliana meiosis

Joseph Cirilo (Yengo lab) - Penn State | Impact of MYO3A Motor Properties on Actin Protrusion Length and Dynamics


1 March 2023
Zhenyu Tan (Cianfrocco lab) - U Michigan | Autoinhibited kinesin-1 adopts a hierarchical folding pattern

Gil Henkin (Surrey lab) - GRC Barcelona | Minus-end preference of the microtubule depolymerase kif2a and reconstitution of flux-like machinery


26 April 2023
Laura Meißner (Diez lab) - B-Cube Dresden | Microtubule organisation by kinesins from a 3D perspective

Shashank Shekhar - Emory University | Reverse treadmilling: Barbed end depolymerization and pointed end depolymerization


24 May 2023
Timon Nast-Kolb (Bausch lab) - TU Munich | VASP phase separation on lipid bilayers induces polymerization driven actin bundle formation

Siddhartha Sankar Jana - IACS Kolkata | Assembly and disassembly of myosin II control endosomal fissions


7 June 2023
Beth Lawrence (Zanic lab) - Vanderbilt University | CLASPs stabilize the intermediate state between microtubule growth and catastrophe

Julie Welburn - WTCCB Edinburgh | Predicting pathogenic mutations in tubulin


12 July 2023
Tiago Dantas - i3S Porto | Hot-wiring dynein-2 uncovers roles for IFT-A in retrograde train assembly and motility

Vladimir Volkov - QMU London | How do microtubules grow? Insights from in vitro reconstitution and cryoET of centriolar and ciliary proteins


26 July 2023
Kyle Barrie (Dominguez lab - U Penn | Structures of the free and capped ends of the actin filament

Martin Engelke - Illinois State | Characterization of the disease-causing mechanisms of KIF3b mutations from ciliopathy patients


27 September 2023
Jayne Aiken (Holzbaur Lab) - U Penn | Spastin locally amplifies microtubule dynamics to pattern the axon for presynaptic cargo delivery

Yean-Ming Chew (Cross lab) - CMCB Warwick | Taxol acts differently on different tubulin isotypes


4 October 2023
Alex Fellows (Carter lab) - MRC LMB Cambridge | Visualising endogenous dynein and its regulators reveal neuronal trafficking mechanisms

Shashi Thutupalli - NCBS Bangalore | Two-component molecular motor driven by a GTPase cycle


15 November 2023
Leonardo Nogara - U Padova | Pharmacological regulation of myosin SRX in skeletal muscle

Robert Cross - CMCB Warwick | Probing the kinesin mechanism with ATPgammaS


29 November 2023
Tianyang Liu (Moores lab) - Birkbeck London | Branched actin network stabilisation by cortactin

Mohan Balasubramanian - CMCB Warwick | Powering cytokinesis


13 Dec 2023 - 16:00-18:00 UTC


The MiQ co-hosts Jess and Yean-Ming celebrate 100 Motors in Quarantine webinars by presenting a panel discussion with PIs at different career stages to discuss science and career advice.

Confirmed panelists are:

Erika Holzbaur - UPenn

Jim Sellers - NIH

Anne Straube - CMCB Warwick

Stefan Diez - BCube Dresden

Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan - EMBL Australia

Clinton Lau - Oxford


17 January 2024
Leelabati Biswas (Schindler lab) - Rutgers | KIF18A variants in oocyte meiosis and female fertility

Hermes Gadelha - Bristol | Molecular motor self-organization in flagella and cilia


27 March 2024
Kavita Rangan (Reck-Petersen lab) - UC San Diego | RNA recoding in cephalopods tailors microtubule motor protein function

Tom Blake (Gallop lab) - Gurdon Cambridge | Membrane adaptor protein TOCA-1 interacts with Ena to drive filopodial protrusion



Please sign up on the form below for meeting invitations with the zoom link. These will be sent out by email one or two days before each webinar.

If you would like to present your own research, please also fill the form below the schedule here.

If your account does not support google forms, please provide your details to the page contact (see bottom of page).



We are grateful to Journal of Cell Science, Cells and British Society for Cell Biology for sponsoring this webinar series

Journal of Cell Science  






AnneAnne Straube | PI | Straube lab

Alex"Alexander Zwetsloot | PhD student | Straube lab

Huong"Huong Vu | EMBO fellow | Cross lab

PaulaPaula Esquivias | Postdoc | Straube lab

DariusDarius Köster | PI | Köster lab

JessJessica Bithell | PhD student | Straube lab



Map of average number of attendees per webinar
The data are based on first 6 webinars (live and on-demand attendees).




Comparison of affiliation of MiQ attendees and authors of papers in the motors field
Details of geographical paper analysis can be found here.


numbers numbers


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Francesca Bottanelli, Bruno Cadot, Felix Campelo, Scott Curran, Patricia M. Davidson, Gautam Dey, Ishier Raote, Anne Straube and Matthew P. Swaffer (2020)
Science during lockdown – from virtual seminars to sustainable online communities
Journal of Cell Science 2020 133: jcs249607